This year, for the first time, the Christmas Tree of Traditions will be set up in Balatonfüred, in front of the Anna Grand Hotel. The Christmas tree is a tribute to the centuries-old history of the hotel, but also a tradition that, like the Anna Ball, could become an iconic symbol of the town. On 10 December, anyone can decorate the tree together with the organisers and Timi Gelencsér.
In the magical world of the ANNA GRAND, renewed in 2023, the past meets the present and every moment is a moment of timeless luxury. In its more than two centuries of history, the hotel has hosted many literary icons, public figures and celebrities, including Mihály Vörösmarty, Mari Jászai and Lajos Kossuth. The hotel's team has now decided to revive a community-building tradition similar to the Anna Ball: with the involvement of the residents of Balatonfüred and guests visiting the town, they will erect The Christmas Tree of Traditions. Timi Gelencsér will also help with the decoration.
"Before Christmas, our whole family is in a rush, so over the years we've had a person in charge of each task. The Christmas tree decorating is mine to do, but if the rest of us are going to do our bit, I'm sure I'll put up the top decoration. It's been like that since we were kids." - introduces us to family customs Gelencsér Timi.
Timi, who started decorating her house in early November, also helps decorate the Christmas tree of Traditions. "I put up the first decorative elements as soon as I could, and since then I've been going slowly. I really love this time of year and I love looking at a beautifully decorated home."
At the joint decoration event on 10 Decemberfrom 10 am, those who would like to decorate the Gelencsér Timivel közösen szeretnék díszíteni A Tradíciók Karácsonyfáját az ANNA GRAND előtti téren. Sőt, a legkisebbekre egy izgalmas meglepetéselőadás is vár majd.